Saturday, February 19, 2011

The wind is an asshole

Yesterday I went to the coffeeshop. I hung out with some friends. I'm also going to make some ammendments to my previous way of naming people. I'll just use initials instead, because I don't think I can remember which was what number. NY, AY, CR, and a few others were there. That girl who bitched me out apparently had a misunderstanding of what I said. She thought I was referring to weed, so that makes it so much better. Not. At least she isn't mad at me over something I didn't say anymore. Something funny happened, though. She said, and I quote a friend who called her out on this, "the most cliché high school statement ever." 'Music is the only thing that keeps me sane.' Bullshit. You're sane regardless. Music soothes you, it doesn't keep the chemical balance of your brain in order, I would know.

CR slept over. The night consisted of eating a traditional Hungarian meal from my moms' heritage, playing some vidya, the normal. I think the highlight of the night consisted of CR shouting at the trash cans that had been rolled into the street by the gusts because the inconsiderate, lazy people of this small town left them out that night. That and when my hat flew off my head for four seconds and I had to run back an entire block in the middle of the street to get it. What can I say? I'm crazy about my fedora.

Today's even worse. The wind is so fucking cold. The last few days have been pretty warm, albeit windy, but, today was just horrible. My hands feel frozen, just from the wind chill. I don't like it, if you haven't gotten that by now. I love winter, I love snow, I just don't like travelling in the cold.

Thank God for four day weekends. Oh, and the presidents, I think they had something to do with the holiday, too.

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