Saturday, September 17, 2011


R's been a little jealous recently of G- Understandably so. She pointed out to me that I had only been mentioning her in the blog when we fight. While this may seem the case, the truth is, my life is boring, and I get sick of repeating the same things to my small crowd. If I don't talk about R enough, it isn't because I'm bored with her, or anything like that; It's because I'm content enough with things how they are, as best friends with a few qualities of lovers.

We talked last night about some of her exes and I wound up nearly crying. Stories like that almost make me happy that I've been single all my life... Almost. It isn't that bad, really. It gets lonely, sure, but, I'd never have to worry about lies, cheating, being used, being abused. A riskless life is a blissful life, and, bliss is only achieved through ignorance. I think I'm going to once again try sticking my hand out a little further and risk a bit more. I'm bored of being lonely.

I keep thinking about R's visit to me. I can't wait for it. I just want to snuggle and cuddle and hug all day, we wouldn't even have to leave the house for me to be happy. The thought of it has made school manageable for me. The days are long and tiresome but at least I can come home to someone who I know really loves me, and who I know for a fact that I love back.

Even if she is a few hours away at the moment.

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