Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bullet points

Because my memory is blurry and I don't remember what happened.

. R had been tired all day.
. R didn't sleep despite my asking to due to family situations.
. R wants to sleep, we go on camera for a bit
. Baby pictures are shown
. I go through emotional breakdown at seeing pictures of my father and mother
. She ragequits halfway through a depressive episode (for which I'm not mad)
. She texts me a bit
. Ambien begins to kick in
. Still depressive episode
. She says she wants to sleep
. I respond with 'Whatev' as in 'okay'
. She takes it as 'Too bad'
. She's mad at me for that
. We talked on the phone
. I assure I wasn't mad and was trying not to be insensitive and just let her sleep
. Ambien wears off, memory is blurry as fuck

I'll have her fill in the gaps I may have missed due to my medication.

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