Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All the pigs are all lined up

I give you all that you want.
Take the skin, peel it back.
Now, doesn't it make you feel... better?

Doesn't it?!
March of the Pigs - Nine Inch Nails

Very annoyed with the psychiatrist in my out patient program. She wasn't there the day they were evaluating me again for my medicines, and my sleep schedule had been fucked when they uped my dosage of Seroquel by 150%. So, instead, I got a new woman with no idea what the fuck she was doing, who knew no history about me, and didn't listen to a word I was telling her.

I explained how the Seroquel makes me feel like I get hit by a truck when it kicks in. She then proceeded to ask why I hadn't been sleeping. As I explain to her that even though my mind is slowed down and my body feels like I'm walking through a swamp even when I'm just breathing, she doesn't seem to get that despite all of this, I was unable to fall asleep. She then twisted my words when I said the Klonopin hadn't been doing the 'kick' into making me sleep as that it was no longer working as a relaxant.

My current medicines:
-Prozac 60 mg (the only thing they didn't fuck with)
-Seroquel 75 mg (so fucking mad about this. I don't like to be paranoid but it appears to me that they try and use this as a godpill.)
-Ambien 1 mg for sleep.

The Ambien makes me drift off to sleep and I feel rested in the morning without any grogginess at all. Now here's my new question:

I don't have psychosis, bipolar, mood swings, or schizophrenia. Those are the most common uses for Seroquel. It has 'benefits' (which are basically unintended side effects) of helping people fall asleep (by making them feel like had all the energy zapped out of them) and (slightly) reduces anxiety (which never worked for me.) Why the fuck am I on this medicine? My paranoid thoughts are making it seem as if the people there are using this as an experiment for us. I shouldn't be on this any longer. I'm going to complain and complain and complain until they remove it.

The Prozac is what helped with my depression, not the Seroquel.
The Ambien is what helps me sleep, not the Seroquel.
The Klonopin is what reduced my anxiety, not the Seroquel.
I'm going to get the fuck off of this pill if it kills me.

In case I haven't pointed it out, they took me off of my Klonopin, you know, the anxiety medication I've been on for weeks. Good move, pigs.

I don't wanna hear that bullshit about how it 'works with other medicines,' either. There is no excuse for keeping me on this. I no longer feel safe with my psychiatric treatment. This is ethically wrong. When they take me off of the Seroquel and replace my medicines with what we've proven works, and they see the lack of Seroquel doesn't do shit to the other medicines, then I'll promptly tell them to bite me.

Well... I can't actually do that last part. Wouldn't be fair. That's someone elses' job, isn't it? :x

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