And I've never felt as good as how I do right now, except for maybe when I think of how I felt that day when I felt the way that I do right now.
Today, NY and AY dragged me out of the house to go swimming at a river...creek... thing. It was only about four feet deep at the worst part, but, was at least thirty feet across, so, I guess that would make it a river? It was nice and refreshing. I was iffy about getting into natural water, but, I think my body needed to get back to nature for a little while. I also got a bit of a tan, so, that's good, too.
Later on we went with some friends of theirs to a chicken place where we nommed the hell out of possibly the best nachos I've ever had. It's funny- A Catholic, a Jew, a Spiritual Christian, a pagan, and a confused-on-belief-systems guy brought together by the smaller things. As the old saying goes, we're so close, no matter how far. I'm glad I'm at a point in my life where I'm able to put aside differences between moral value and belief and all that shit. Looking for intelligence in a person is my number one priority.
Speaking of intelligence, I think that maybe, just, maybe, my interest is trolling me. I finally talked to her today, deciding I had given her enough space. No mention whatsoever of the previous conversation, just some chit chat before the both of us became busy. Hopefully if I see her tomorrow, things will go smoothly, God willing...
Happy Memorial Day. Here's a quick thank you to all of the brave men and women who risked or gave up their lives for our country, regardless of the reasoning.
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